- 2024-11-13 07:03 19
- 产品价格:21.00元/
- 品牌:地址:安徽 蚌埠市
- 编号:22028企业:安徽敦航国际货运代理有限公司
周福印(先生) 销售经理18225846210 (联系我请说明是在推介网看到的信息)
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淮上区FedEx快递 蚌埠市淮上区联邦快递代理进出口清关服务
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淮上区FedEx快递蚌埠市淮上区联邦快递代理进出口清关服务 淮上区FedEx快递网点 淮上区FedEx快递咨询 淮上区FedEx快递服务 淮上区FedEx快递电话
As a discount recipient, you will enjoy a 2-8% discount across theentire region. We are well aware of the sensitivity of ourcustomers to prices, so we do our best to negotiate discounts foryou and provide value for money services. We work closely withmajor partners to provide customers with competitive prices andmore preferential policies.
FedEx Service Scope
As a partner of Anhui Dunhang International Freight Forwarding -Federal International Freight, we have rich experience andprofessional knowledge in the international logistics industry. Weunderstand important details such as transportation regulations andtax policies in different countries, and are committed to providingcustomers with excellent logistics solutions.
淮上区FedEx快递咨询 淮上区FedEx快递服务
所属分类:商务服务 / 进出口代理
以上信息由企业自行发布,该企业负责信息内容的完整性、真实性、准确性和合法性。推介网对此不承担任何责任。 马上查看收录情况: 百度 360搜索 搜狗
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